Tips for buying a DSLR

This is not how you buy a DSLR by comparing different Manufacturer's model. You will get nothing but just stereotype feedback, Canon user will say Canon better, and Nikon user will obviously say Nikon better.
Its quite long time i did not share about the now,i give some tips from my own experiences in friends keep asking me,which DSLR was good,Canon,Nikon or other brand...its hard to me to answer its because i did not use all of the brand >,< hahaha, Buying a DSLR is very different from buying a compact camera. You need to look far more long term investment, because you are buying a photography SYSTEM, not just a camera.

First, you need to decide which brand you will go for by considering the following factors:
a. Your regular kaki that are into photography that you often hang out with, what do they use in general? Usually is either Nikon or Canon. Both brand is fine (at least to me). This is the most critical factor. If your camera brand is different, you and him may have off-sync conversation.

b. In general, each camera manufacturer has different kind of design feel. Like Nikon, looks like a BMW 5 series, it has a red underwear, two command dials, black paint job with microscopic embossed texture, premium lenses are black with gold ring. Canon, looks like a Pajero, it has a unique round shape command dial, flat black paint job, premium lenses are black and white with red ring. No point select a camera manufacturer that you don't even like the look of it.

c. go to camera shop, ask them to show you the same range camera but different manufacture, try to hold, and feel, which one feels better and looks better. Don't look too much into technical details yet.

After you have decided on which brand, then only decide on the model.

Usually DSLR does not has wide range of choice unlike compact camera. It is rather easy to decide on which model, depends on budget and how serious you want yourself involve in photography.

If you just want to play play, saja just want a better than compact camera, then pick the lowest priced DSLR is fine, usually is RM2k+-, which offer just nice basic features.

If you want to learn photography, and plan to go serious in this hobby, then pick the mid range, usually is RM3.k+, which offer more advanced features, great for beginner who keen to learn about photography. Be prepared to fork out RM5k budget.


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