Survive for money or money for survives? Is money really that important? Why are people so obsessed with money? Is it because we feel we need it to survive? What's Money got to do with it? We now believe that without money we would not survive, when in fact we can't eat it, wear it, go anywhere in it, or meet any real needs with the pieces of paper and metal. I start to ponder what money really is and what it means and why we put so much of our lives in obtaining it.
Many people think that money is so important. To me money is not really important. Money gives many miseries to us. We, as human always compare what we have and what others have. If we feel that we do not have as much or more than our neighbors then we work, spend money to obtain more to feel that we have enough. But we often forget that the most important things in life are health and happiness, which money cannot buy.
In our search for happiness which we think we can buy we loose what is supposed to really matter. We want the money, we want to have fun, spend time with friends and family. We seem to forget that money is just an "object"; it’s not as valuable as friends and family. You spend countless hours at a job without really have times to spend with your love ones. For me, the time spent to get more money should have been used to be with them. However, many fail to realize this fact and keep on neglecting their family or love ones. All they care is the growing numbers in their bank account books.
Despite that, I do agree that money is important too, like buying food and clothing but I suggest a great alternative to spend money more wisely. I believe that if many people remembered there are other alternatives to get what they want without money, I feel that people would get to know each other, things would become more local, and people would feel like people again and know and feel that sense of satisfaction.
In conclusion, no matter how important money is to our life, we should always bear in our minds that there are priceless things that money cannot buy especially our health and happiness. So, we should think twice when having the desire to swap our money with happiness.
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